

Cape Cod Classic Car Foundation, a 501c3 charity, (EIN # 99-0746562) routinely makes available funds for Cape Cod Classics Car club members and their children and grandchildren.

Students must be a graduating high school senior accepted into a college, university or technical school for automotive studies. 

Students may also be an upper classman enrolled in a college, university or technical school.

We accept applications year round.


The Cape Cod Classics Car Club Supports both Cape Technical High Schools; Cape Cod Upper Regional Technical School in Bourne and The Cape Cod Regional Technical School in Harwich with Toolship Awards (Tools of the Trade or Workforce Grants) annually. For 2024 we are donating $4000.00 for Toolship Awards two $1000.00 awards to each school.  

The Criteria for these grants are that the students are graduating seniors from either the Auto Technical or Auto Collision Shops and are planning to work or continue their education in the Automobile Industry. 

We accept applications year round.


The Cape Cod Classics Car Club donates a significant portion of the money it raises throughout the year at its shows, events and through the generosity of Club Sponsors for Scholarships & Toolships and donates to local charitable organizations.

We are proud supporters of the following charities:

Heroes in Transition

Brewster Animal Rescue League

Wild Care in Orleans

Dennis Field of Honor

Eldredge Farm Foundation

Proud recipient of the Greater Hyannis Chamber of Commerce JFK Community Service Award

Contact Lin Danielson

Attach files here: (if any)

Pot Luck Dinner - Saturday, March 29